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2023-04-20 21:01:58 ,,,,,,,,,,

  One day, the sky ing.

  At some point, a large black cloud of black clouds pressed down. The spider dropped a line and ran away. The snack bar was closed, and there was no one on the road, and the little tree swayed with the wind. The more the black clouds gather, the lower the pressure, as if tiptoe to pull off a piece.

  At that time, the rain fell from the sky. The rain was so heavy that it seemed as if the heavens were weeping, as if thousands of wild horses were rushing and tens of thousands of people were beating their drums. The lig the unattainable sky, but without a shadow, like a magician.

  Slowly, the rain stopped and the clouds dispersed. The sun went out and spread the warmth again. At the same time, a fairy rainbow appeared on the horizon. This beautiful rainbow is the same as the real bridge, and I would like to touch its colorful clothes.

  The air outside was fresh, and the road was spotless, as if it had taken off the coat, put on the new clothes, and showed the new image, the new look.


本文收集了夏天的暴风雨英语的写景作文, ,,,,,,,,,, 您还可以浏览 写人作文 / 写事作文 / 写景作文 / 运动作文 / 春节作文 / 优秀作文 / 童年趣事作文 / 心愿作文 / 成长作文 / 母爱作文 / 梦想作文 / 传统节日作文 / 日记作文 / 周记作文 / 作文素材 /
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